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614017 Perm
37 Gagarina bulvar, room 301

Phone: +7 (342) 200-95-47

Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance Tatiana V. Bukina
Teaching and Learning Specialist Elena Borisova

email: eborisova2@hse.ru

Schemas In Language, Music, And Visual Cognition: Book of Abstracts

Antonovic M., Hampe B., Jackendoff R. et al.

Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2024.

Book chapter
Exploring Attention, Cognitive Load and Brain Connectivity During Music Listening

Provorova A., Kulikova S.

In bk.: Schemas In Language, Music, And Visual Cognition: Book of Abstracts. Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2024. P. 35-35.

Working paper
Strategizing with AI: Insights from a Beauty Contest Experiment

Dagaev D., Paklina S., Parshakov P.

Social Science Research Network. Social Science Research Network. SSRN, 2024

Tag "conferences & seminars" – News

Scinetific workshop of ID Lab and the School of Economics and Finance

Scinetific workshop of ID Lab and the School of Economics and Finance
Petr Parshakov presented his PhD thesis «The Economics of eSports: Elements That Affect Performance», which he plan to defend 24 October 2019. Partucularly, Petr presented the structure and logic of the thesis.

IDlab Has Participated in Series of Workshops and XVIII April Conference

IDlab Has Participated in Series of Workshops and XVIII April Conference
International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy took part in a series of research seminars at HSE in Saint Petersburg and Moscow, and also presented research findings at XVIII April International Conference in Moscow.

VII International Russian-Chinese Summer School “Economic Instruments of Foreign Policy in the Modern World” July 6-13, 2017

Applications are accepted until May 7, 2017

E-Mail Marketing and Coproduction at Elementary School Discussed at GAMES Seminar

E-Mail Marketing and Coproduction at Elementary School Discussed at GAMES Seminar
What information should be contained in an e-mail advertising message so that a customer noticed it and the product sales increased? How do parents’ extra-curricular activities influence the academic performance of children at elementary school? The participants of the GAMES seminar tried to answer these questions.

Academics from Saint-Petersburg and Perm Shared Their Experience in Research

Academics from Saint-Petersburg and Perm Shared Their Experience in Research
Big session of the GAMES research seminar took place at HSE-Perm. During one week academics from HSE-Perm and HSE-Saint-Petersburg shared their experience in research.

iCare in Essex

iCare in Essex
On September 26-27, 2016, the International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare) is being held at HSE’s partner university — the Essex Business School (University of Essex, Colchester).

iCare Junior in Perm

iCare Junior in Perm
The Second international student research conference on applied research in economics, International Conference on Applied Research in Economics for Junior Researchers, has been held in Perm.

IDlab at the Conference in Zurich

IDlab at the Conference in Zurich
Angel Barajas, Academic Superisor of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, Professor at the University of Vigo, and research fellows of the laboratory Dennis Coates, Professor at the University of Maryland, Marina Zavertiaeva and Petr Parshakov took part in the 7th European Sport Economics Association Conference on Sport Economics that was held on August 27-28 in Zurich.

Professor Ludo Pyis Conducts Seminar at West-Ural Office of Sberbank

The West-Ural Office of Sberbank, Perm has hosted a meeting between Professor Ludo Pyis and over 30 executives and senior officials of the bank. Ludo Pyis led a two-hour seminar discussion on “Intellectual capital accounting: myth or reality?”

Intellectual Capital

The 9th interdisciplinary workshop on intangibles, intellectual capital and extra-financial information was held at the Copenhagen Business School at the end of September. It was organized by EIASM (the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management). Mariya Molodchik, Associate Professor of the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies HSE Perm told about the event.