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614017 Perm
37 Gagarina bulvar, room 301

Phone: +7 (342) 200-95-47

Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance Tatiana V. Bukina
Teaching and Learning Specialist Elena Borisova

email: eborisova2@hse.ru

Schemas In Language, Music, And Visual Cognition: Book of Abstracts

Antonovic M., Hampe B., Jackendoff R. et al.

Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2024.

Exploring the Link Between Interoception and Symptom Severity in Premature Ventricular Contractions

Limonova A., Minenko I., Сукманова А. А. et al.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024. Vol. 13. No. 24. P. 7756-7756.

Book chapter
Exploring Attention, Cognitive Load and Brain Connectivity During Music Listening

Provorova A., Kulikova S.

In bk.: Schemas In Language, Music, And Visual Cognition: Book of Abstracts. Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2024. P. 35-35.

Working paper
Strategizing with AI: Insights from a Beauty Contest Experiment

Dagaev D., Paklina S., Parshakov P.

Social Science Research Network. Social Science Research Network. SSRN, 2024

About the School

The School of Economics and Finance was established in 2014 through a merger of the Departments of Economics Theory, Accounting and Auditing, Economic Modelling, and Financial Management. The School is headed by Tatiana Bukina.

The aim of the School is to create and develop a community of academics and professional practitioners from the fields of theoretical and applied economics, corporate finance and financial markets.

The School of Economics and Finance continuously seeks to:

  • contribute highly qualified teachers and academics to HSE’s educational programmes
  • increase the international recruitment of outstanding researchers in order to support overall academic objectives
  • conduct research and increase the number of publications in the most respected international journals in various fields
  • increase collaboration and dialogue with other academic areas, businesses and organizations by providing expert analysis and consulting

The School supports research in applied economics and empirical corporate finance using fundamentals of economic theory and modern quantitative methods such as mathematics, statistics, and econometrics.

The recruitment policy of the School requires hiring highly qualified academics internationally and focuses on both talented PhD students and experts from the business community.  

Members of the School participate in numerous committees and working groups created by both governmental bodies and international organizations in order to develop strategic documents, policy papers and regulation initiatives.

The School holds primary responsibility for the Bachelor’s programmes in Economics and the Master’s of Science in Finance. The School’s strategy encourages its members to be involved in the global academic community by publishing in frequently cited peer-reviewed journals, teaching courses in English, and collaborating with international colleagues.

Most members of the School are involved in two research groups – the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy and the Research Group for Applied markets and Enterprises Studies – which are supervised by leading international researchers Angel Barajas (University if Vigo, Spain), Felix L.Itturiaga (University of Valyadolid, Spain), Dennis Coates (University of Maryland, USA), and Carlos Jardon (University of Vigo, Spain).

The School is focused on expanding its network through cooperation with widely respected international universities, research centres and international organizations. The School also works with several local, national and transnational corporations and organizations, such as KPMG, PWC, Lukoil, and Sberbank.