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614017 Perm
37 Gagarina bulvar, room 301

Phone: +7 (342) 200-95-47

Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance Tatiana V. Bukina
Teaching and Learning Specialist Elena Borisova

email: eborisova2@hse.ru

Schemas In Language, Music, And Visual Cognition: Book of Abstracts

Antonovic M., Hampe B., Jackendoff R. et al.

Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2024.

Book chapter
Exploring Attention, Cognitive Load and Brain Connectivity During Music Listening

Provorova A., Kulikova S.

In bk.: Schemas In Language, Music, And Visual Cognition: Book of Abstracts. Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2024. P. 35-35.

Working paper
Public procurement of innovations: case of Russia

Kashin D., Podgorenko J., Zavorohina A. et al.

ResearchGate. RG. ResearchGate, 2025

Tag "HSE Campus in Perm" – News

Crowdsourced ratings of football players are underestimated: a study by IDLab researchers

Crowdsourced ratings of football players are underestimated: a study by IDLab researchers
Crowdsourced assessments of the value and ability of football players should be used with caution. As a rule, such estimates are below market value, while the difference depends on the league and the prestige of the players. Dennis Coates and Petr Parshakov, researchers at the International Laboratory for the Economics of Intangible Assets of HSE — Perm, came to such conclusions in the article "The wisdom of crowds and transfer market values", published in the European Journal of Operational Research.

Professor Dean Fantazzini of Moscow State University Delivers Course on Data Analysis at HSE-Perm

Professor Dean Fantazzini of Moscow State University Delivers Course on Data Analysis at HSE-Perm
HSE-Perm’s School of Economics and Finance has held a refresher training course, ‘Time Series in R’, led by Professor Dean Fantazzini of Moscow State University (MSU). Professor Fantazzini is the Deputy Head of MSU’s Moscow School of Economics and the programme Chair of Econometrics and Mathematical Methods in Economics.

Fernando Tejerina Gaite and Felix Lopez Iturriaga at Master’s Programme in Finance

Fernando Tejerina Gaite and Felix Lopez Iturriaga at Master’s Programme in Finance
Between October 1st and 3rd, two professors from the University of Valladolid (Spain), Fernando Tejerina Gaite and Felix Lopez Iturriaga, delivered lectures for 1st and 2nd year Master’s students in Finance.

Anna Bykova Delivers Joint Research at University of Maryland

Anna Bykova Delivers Joint Research at University of Maryland
On February 23, Anna Bykova, Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy (ID Lab), presented joint research with Dennis Coates, on “Economic freedom and its influence on the performance of Russian companies”. The paper was presented at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, US.

HSE Moves up 10 Positions in QEECA Ranking

HSE Moves up 10 Positions in QEECA Ranking
On its 25th anniversary, the Higher School of Economics (HSE) took 25th place in the QS EECA (Emerging Europe & Central Asia) Ranking, thus improving its result by 10 positions as compared with last year. This ranking includes 300 positions and takes into account higher education institutions in transitional European and Central Asian countries.

HSE Researchers Take Part in ‘Economics of Football’ Conference

HSE Researchers Take Part in ‘Economics of Football’ Conference
On June 23-24, the international conference ‘Economics of Football’ was held in Kazan. This event was organized by the Higher School of Economics (HSE), the New Economic School and Kazan Federal University. Angel Barajas, Dennis Coates, Elena Shakina, Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova and Anna Bykova, staff members of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, participated in the conference. The researchers presented papers and worked as moderators, discussants and key speakers at various sessions and workshops.

IDlab Has Participated in Series of Workshops and XVIII April Conference

IDlab Has Participated in Series of Workshops and XVIII April Conference
International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy took part in a series of research seminars at HSE in Saint Petersburg and Moscow, and also presented research findings at XVIII April International Conference in Moscow.

E-Mail Marketing and Coproduction at Elementary School Discussed at GAMES Seminar

E-Mail Marketing and Coproduction at Elementary School Discussed at GAMES Seminar
What information should be contained in an e-mail advertising message so that a customer noticed it and the product sales increased? How do parents’ extra-curricular activities influence the academic performance of children at elementary school? The participants of the GAMES seminar tried to answer these questions.

Academics from Saint-Petersburg and Perm Shared Their Experience in Research

Academics from Saint-Petersburg and Perm Shared Their Experience in Research
Big session of the GAMES research seminar took place at HSE-Perm. During one week academics from HSE-Perm and HSE-Saint-Petersburg shared their experience in research.

‘Economics, Behavior and Experiments’ at HSE Perm

‘Economics, Behavior and Experiments’ at HSE Perm
An open lecture ‘Economics, Behavior and Experiments’ by Dmitri Vinogradov, Lecturer in Finance at the University of Essex, was recently held at HSE Perm. The lecture was dedicated to experimental methods in economic research.
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