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614017 Perm
37 Gagarina bulvar, room 301

Phone: +7 (342) 200-95-47

Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance Tatiana V. Bukina
Teaching and Learning Specialist Elena Borisova

email: eborisova2@hse.ru

Schemas In Language, Music, And Visual Cognition: Book of Abstracts

Antonovic M., Hampe B., Jackendoff R. et al.

Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2024.

Exploring the Link Between Interoception and Symptom Severity in Premature Ventricular Contractions

Limonova A., Minenko I., Сукманова А. А. et al.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024. Vol. 13. No. 24. P. 7756-7756.

Book chapter
Exploring Attention, Cognitive Load and Brain Connectivity During Music Listening

Provorova A., Kulikova S.

In bk.: Schemas In Language, Music, And Visual Cognition: Book of Abstracts. Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2024. P. 35-35.

Working paper
Strategizing with AI: Insights from a Beauty Contest Experiment

Dagaev D., Paklina S., Parshakov P.

Social Science Research Network. Social Science Research Network. SSRN, 2024

Yegor Gaidar Fellowship Programme Launched

In late October, the HSE-Perm Faculty of Economics hosted a visitor from Moscow – Carol Sorrenti, the Country Director of IREX' s Russia office. She told HSE-Perm graduates in detail about The Yegor Gaidar Fellowship Programme in Economics as well as the requirements for participating in the Programme.

The Programme was established by the International Research and Exchanges Board andthe U.S. Russia Foundation for Economic Advancement and the Rule of Law (USRF). It aims to support Russian and American economists’ joint research in public policy and to provide opportunities to cooperate with practicing economists. One of the project’s objectives is to upgrade Russian experts’ qualifications in entrepreneurship and economic development.

Candidates preparing applications for the Programme must either hold a Bachelor’s, Specialist’s, or Master’s degree at the moment of application. The Programme is intended for specialists who have hands-on experience. Successful candidates will be able to spend up to six months at U.S. research centres in order to conduct collaborative research with U.S. experts in the same field. The financial and organizational provisions of the grant include support for all fellows to receive visa and travel support, a monthly allowance for the period of stay in the U.S., housing, and a professional development allowance.

To participate in the Programme, applicants should answer all questions on the application in English, and electronically submit all the required forms and supporting materials to gaidar_fellowship@irex.ru. IREX requires that permission to process personal data be submitted as a hard copy by mail.

Applicants should choose one of the topics listed in the application form. In addition, they can propose their own theme which should be related to economic development issues and international cooperation in the field of economics.

The following documents should be attached to the application:

  • a personal statement in English; it should explain the essence of the research to be conducted in the U.S.;
  • a resume (listing your professional and educational experience, and publications relevant to the topic you have chosen);
  • a copy of one of your recent publications relevant to the topic you have chosen (in English or Russian);
  • a support letter from one of your colleagues who is familiar with your professional achievements (in English or Russian).

All eligible applications will be reviewed by IREX and USRF experts. Chosen semi-finalists will be interviewed in English in Moscow, and selected individuals will begin their fellowships in February 2014 in Washington by meeting with representatives of the expert community.

IREX specialists are ready to answer your questions via a Skype session. In addition, questions can be addressed to the IREX Moscow office at 101000 Moscow, ul. Myasnitskaya, d. 24/7, str.3; tel: (495) 234-01-44.